Sunday, April 19, 2015

Web 2.0 Tool: No Red Ink

I want to tell you about this resource for teachers that I have been learning about.  No Red Ink is a great resource for English teachers to help them create assignments, quizzes, and pretests.  Teachers can create quizzes from a number of categories.  The questions are automatically generated so there is no work to be done there.  You are able to customize which students have to complete certain assignments, quizzes, or pretests.  This is a great way to incorporate group activities.  You can also monitor your student’s activities and know whether or not they need additional help in certain areas.  When a student is taking a pretest, if they get a question wrong they are given a second attempt at it.  If the student gets it wrong the second time then the student is given details about the rule that will help them better understand the question.  The student is then given the option to answer a new question that offers the same grammatical format for them to answer.  this is a great additional way to show the students why we use certain words at certain times.  I want to share a video I created that shows you the different things that this website has to offer. Click here to view my personal tutorial on how to use No Red Ink.

The image below is of the progress section of No Red Ink that shows how your students are doing on the assignments or quizzes that you have created.  It helps you as the teacher to modify any of your lessons to focus more on the subjects that your students may be struggling with. This feature is, also, where you create new quizzes and assignments for the students to complete. The progress feature of the No Red Ink website is a completely free resource to help teachers obtain better feedback of their students  academic progress.

No Red Ink is a great free resource for English teachers to help them quickly add additional test, quizzes, and study tests in order to help them increase their students understanding of the content material.  It is also a great way to keep track of how well your students are doing in certain content areas.

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